Guidelines for Restoration


Restoration Guidelines are technical aids for those who wish to carry out works on a historic property in the Maltese Islands. Each guideline provides valuable advice and outlines acceptable as well as unacceptable methods for carrying out works to different elements of the fabric of culturally significant buildings or structures. Works to a historic property are classified in to the following categories: Maintenance, Repair/ Replacement, Cleaning, Restoration, and Minor Works.

Note: Please visit this website regularly as Restoration Guidelines are being updated and uploaded frequently.


Maintenance is the routine protective care and minor works necessary to keep a place in good order and to an acceptable physical standard to prevent deterioration. It ensures the longevity of the resource without irreversible or damaging interventions, to protect its heritage value and be able to pass the asset on to future generations, and may include replacement of a small number of elements. Please find below the following Restoration Guidelines to support those works which are considered to be as maintenance:

M001: Restoration of Architectural Ironwork

M002: Re-Pointing of Limestone Mortar Joints