Access to Information

Public Authority

Planning Authority

Description of the department/directorate/entity’s structure

The new Planning Authority was launched in April 2016. The Planning Authority is responsible for development planning. The Authority has a number of  Boards and Committees that assist the organization to fulfill its functions and responsibilities efficiently and transparent, in line with its legal obligations. These Boards and Committees include:

The Executive Council carries out the function of a centralized office where all development applications are duly processed by case officers and recommended for either approval or refusal. Additionally, the Council has the power to issue discontinuance and removal orders as well as to issue scheduling and conservation orders. Plans and policies, minor modifications, including planning control applications, and development orders are also formulated by the Executive Council. The Executive Council is composed of the Executive Chairperson together with Chairpersons of the Planning Board, representatives from the Environment and Resource Authority and other supplementary members to be called in by the Executive Chairperson to improve coordination across Government.

The Planning Board is responsible for the issue of development permissions, taking over the decision role of the MEPA Board. The  Board members are as follows: the Cahirperson, five indepedent mebers, one member chosen from amongst the chairpersons of the Planning Commissions, two members of the House of Representatives nominated by the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition respectively, a member representing the Environment and Resources Authority, a member nominated by environmental NGOs (eNGOs), three public officers and a member chosen by the Local Council who shall sit on the Board when a major project application lies within its boundary.

The Planning Commissions carry out the function of determining development planning applications. These Commissions are delegated to take decisions based on the approved local plans and other policy documents that regulate and guide the decisions of the Authority.

The Users' Committee supervises the general functioning of the Authority particularly to ensure, in the interest of the general public, an expeditious and fair process and transparency and uniformity in the Authority’s decisions and acts.  The Committee shall propose, to the Authority or the Minister as the case may be, such changes to administrative processes and practices as it may deem appropriate. The Committee, which is autonomous from the Authority, is composed of representatives from each of the interested national constituted bodies recognized by the minister.

The Agricultural Advisory Committee evaluates proposals and provides expert advice in terms of sustainable agriculture, but also to collate information regarding applications related to agriculture.

The Design Advisory Committee makes recommendations in relation to design in development applications related to urban conservation areas and major projects.


Description of the department/directorate/entity’s functions and responsibilities

The New Planning Authority secures a balanced and sustainable environment for our community and provide a better quality of life through a sustainable land use planning system.


Currently, the Authority has three directorates:

The Planning Directorate is responsible for the promotion and control of proper land development, both public and private, in accordance with approved policies and plans. It seeks to achieve sustainable development throughout the Maltese Islands through the preparation and implementation of development plans and policies and the processing of planning applications. This directorate also administers the scheduling process of  cultural, archaeological and natural sites, remains, areas or other property and manages the National Protective Inventory.

The Enforcement Directorate is responsible for supporting the Authority in enforcement campaigns including Direct Action, enforcement, surveillance and actions as necessary to ensure compliance with the building development permits.

The Corporate Services Directorate is responsible to ensure that the entire organization is serviced and provides a sound infrastructure for the directorates to carry out their responsibilities and functions. The Directorate is also responsible for Human Resources, Information Technology, Mapping and Land-surveying, support services and Finance.


General description of the categories of documents the department/directorate/entity holds (including exempt documents)

The Planning Authority holds documents falling under the following categories:


  • A register of development applications  containing planning application forms, enforcement applications forms, complaints forms etc. and record of all development planning applications;
  • A register of approved regulations,  plans and policies;
  • Geoportal and other related maps.



Description of all manuals and similar types of documents which contain policies, principles, rules or guidelines in accordance with which decisions or recommendations are made in respect of members of the public (including bodies corporate and employees of the public authority in their personal capacity)

The Planning  Authority holds the following documents, in accordance with which decisions or recommendations are made in respect of members of the public (including bodies corporate and employees of the public authority in their personal capacity):

  • Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development
  • Development Notification Order, 2016
  • Best Practice Guide Visual Simulations
  • Development Control Design Policy, Guidance and Standards 2015 (DC15)
  • Local Plans
  • Use Classes Order (L.N. 74 of 2014)
  • Development Planning Act, 2016
  • Legal Notices
  • Supplementary Guidance
  • Local Plans
  • Development Briefs
  • Action Plans
  • Subject Plans
  • Management Plans

Statement of the information that needs to be available to members of the public who wish to obtain access to official documents from the public authority, which statement shall include particulars of the officer or officers to whom requests for such access should be sent

Requests for information can be submitted by: email on


the online form provided through the FOI portal on


if you are an e-ID user you may submit your FOI request directly online through the FOI portal on


By post address to the Office of the Prime Minister Auberge de Castille? Valletta

Details of Internal Complaints Procedure

Emergency Service Line (08:00hrs - 23:00hrs)

Emergency Service for reporting Illegal Development         

2290 0000


Website Enquiries

E-mail us: Click here


Specific Enquiries

Complaints: Click here

Report Illegal Development: Click here

Mapserver Enquiries: Click here


Other Information

Opening Hours

1st October 2016 - 30th June 2017

Monday to Friday

07:00am to 03:00pm


1st July 2017 - 30th September 2017   

Monday to Friday

07:00am to 12:30pm

Public Authority Contact Details

General Contact Details

Postal address:       P.O. Box 200, Marsa MRS1000, Malta

Office address:      

St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN1230

Sir Luigi Camilleri Street Victoria VCT 2700, Gozo

Telephone:2290 0000

Fax:2290 2295