Applying for a Compliance Certificate - What do I need?

If you are the property owner of a new or old building and you need to install water and electricity, prior to approaching the respective service providers,  you will need to apply for a compliance certificate from the Planning Authority.

The Planning Authority makes use of the compliance certificate is to ensure that development has been carried out in accordance with the relevant development permission, prior to the provision of water and/or electricity supplies. In applying for a compliance certificate, an applicant through an architect declares that the development as built is entirely in conformity with the approved plans and permit conditions. A compliance certificate is issued on the strength of this declaration. 

The applicable fee to apply for a compliance certificate is €60. Once issued, a Compliance Certificate is valid for 3 months.

New Building

Required Documentation


Architect’s declaration (form)                 

Copy of the development permit
                               Copy of the site plan (site marked)
                                        All approved plans

*3 copies of all documents need to be submitted 

Old Building  

Required Documentation


Covering letter from the Perit stating that the building is pre-1967

Site Plan + 1967 Survey sheet
Set of coloured Photographs of building
Set of plans: current layout, sections and elevation

*3 copies of all documents need to be submitted
**No architect's declaration is needed  

Building with Category 

B Certificate  

Required Documentation

Architect’s declaration Category B (form)        

Copy of approved permit
Site plan
All approved plans
Copy of CTB approval
                                                CTB approved plans
Site plan approved with CTB

*3 copies of all documents need to be submitted

Temporary Compliance

Required Documentation


Architect’s declaration (form)      

Set of coloured photos
Copy of approved permit
Site plan