Malta Architect Awards 2017

During a special ceremony that was held at Villa Arrigo the eight winners of the Malta Architect Award categories were announced.  

The Awards, organised by iMNG ltd and sponsored by the Planning Authority seek to recognise local expertise in the professions of architecture, civil engineering and interior design and showcase those projects, which today are positively contributing towards quality design in our streetscapes and urban context.


The Award was won by Perit Karl Ebejer his innovative solution to a common challenge of constructing an additional floor to an existing building. The entry was commended for the boldness and simplicity of its concept. The design solution was sensitive in relation to the handling of the existing building, its surrounding context, and synergy with the different architectural styles of the buildings surrounding it. The project is innovative and creative, and consistently demonstrates clarity. The architect preserves the authenticity of a vernacular building creating a vertical extension that is physically distinct and that does not impose or impinge on the original structure.

The special commendations went to:

Perit Edward Scerri for the commendable restoration initiatives relating to the three churches in the village of Gharb, Gozo. Besides the diligent and competent restoration, the restored churches are now being presented within the context of a heritage trail that contributes to heightened public awareness of the locality’s cultural heritage.


The Award was won by Perit Edward Scerri for the re-design of the San Lawrenz Square, Gozo. The project celebrates the space in front of the parish church. It organises spaces that were previously totally haphazard into distinct spatial domains intended for pedestrian use and those for vehicular traffic. A sensitive intervention which draws upon the village’s historical context and re-organizes the urban space. The project revives the human dimension and celebrates public interaction in the process giving the square back to the local community. The project demonstrates what can be done on a small scale to improve the environment of our traditional villages.

The award was open to projects by periti who have worked on commercial buildings, shops, retail complexes, office buildings, etc. 
No award was given in this category.


The Award was won by Perit Christian Spiteri for the villa development in Madliena. The jury was impressed with the way the various residential units were designed and integrated with the topography of the landscape, the placement of the individual buildings on site with each unit having its own identity. The architect succeeded to combine the diversity of parts whilst still managing to retain a coherent composition of the whole into an integrated residential enclave.

The special commendations went to:

Periti Ian Crtien and Andrea Vassallo Cesareo for the design of the residence with respective to the natural site levels. It demonstrates clarity in terms of spatial organisation of its interiors, juxtaposition of different wall planes and coherent handling of materials.


The Award went to Perit Anthea Huber of arch+architects design studio for the interior design of offices in Msida. The designers reconciled the requirements of a clinical laboratory, the productive office and comfortable living space within the framework of a rigorous ‘orgranizational’ plan. The interiors are characterised by a sensitive handling of a spectrum of materials with different tactile qualities.

The two special commendations went to:

Perit Ray Demicoli for the interior design of Vodafone headquaters Skyparks Luqa. The project is commended for the bold representation of corporate identity through the dynamic and creative design particularly of the innovative furniture pieces and the creation of various spatial domains for different work activities. It communicates a sense of interactive playfulness and spatial fluidity. 

Periti Paula Agius Vadala and Katja Abela for the interior design of the of private residence in Sliema.


The Award went to Dr Edwin Mintoff for the Macina project, Senglea. The endeavour in rehabilitating and giving a new lease of life to a historic military building, thus ensuring its preservation through an economically-viable use.

The special commendation went to:

Perit Victoria Farrugia Galea for the development of Hiltop gardens in Naxxar


The Award went to Perit Perit Roderick Camilleri and Mr Mario Cassar Water Conservation Awareness Centre, Nigret Junction, Rabat.


The Award was won by Perit Steve Scicluna for the interior design and refurbishment of a private residence in Msida.

The two special commendations went to:

Perit Alan Galea for a housing development. The development provides for three main typologies of accommodation being ground floor apartments duplexed with first floor, second floor apartments and third floor apartments duplexed with the penthouse level enjoying a large roof terrace.

Periti Diane and Dirk Psaila, for KUBU installation. Kubu is not a building; but an installation which only existed for three days during the Malta International Arts Festival of 2017.