Development Brief Details

Hal Ferh Development Brief

Development briefs details table data
Approval date 04-12-2008

1. Background

Development Briefs are normally issued by MEPA and approved by Government. Briefs are issued where potential exists to fulfil or contribute towards planning objectives identified in the development plan (the Structure Plan, Local Plans and/or other Subsidiary Plans). Briefs outline the scale, range and quality of development proposed for a site together with known constraints (physical, policy, access etc.) for the guidance of prospective developers and other interested parties.

MEPA has been entrusted by Government to prepare a Development Brief for the 8.5ha site shown on Map 1 which includes the redundant Hal-Ferh tourist complex and its immediate surrounding areas in Ghajn Tuffieha, l/o Mellieha. This Brief is required by policy NWGT 1 of the North West Local Plan (approved in August 2006).

The scope of the Development Brief is to provide planning guidance on the future use and redevelopment of the site. The Brief therefore includes detailed guidance on the areas available for development and their broad layouts, uses and building design, areas to be protected from development and buildings to be conserved.

This Development Brief contains:
a. Relevant background information on the site; b. Planning objectives for development and conservation; c. Site constraints; d. Detailed policy guidance for the development; e. Requirements on the format and content of submission requirements; and f. Planning obligations required to be fulfilled by the developer.

This Development Brief describes MEPA’s position on development matters relating to this site. It provides information intended to be utilised by parties having a potential interest in the development of land enabling them to assess its full value.

2. Documents