March, 09, 2017

The Planning Board reconfirmed the refusal of a planning permission to sanction illegal works at GAF Petrol Station, in Luqa Road, Qormi. This was the third time the Planning Authority Board turned down the applicant’s request to sanction the illegalities on a site situated outside the development boundaries.

Through this latest development application, the owner sought to sanction an increase in foot-print of the main building, the construction of a basement and an additional first floor, the construction of vehicular ramp to basement level, the inclusion of a car showroom at ground floor level and the construction of 4 staircases and lifts. The applicant also sought planning permission for the development of additional customer parking spaces, 4 car-wash bays and the demolition of an existing wall at the back of the complex.

The Board cited that the application was not addressing a number of illegalities which under planning law are not sanctionable.

In August 2008, the Authority had issued an enforcement notice on this site after the applicant willfully decided to go beyond the approved planning permission attained in 2006 for the construction of a petrol station.  In September 2008 and January 2011, the Board had on both occassions refused to sanction the illegalities. Following an appeal by the applicant both these decisions were confirmed by the Planning Appeals Tribunal.