Development Brief Details

Il-Ghirghien Development brief

Development briefs details table data
Approval date 17-06-2010

1. Background

It is the intention of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) to publish this Development Brief, as required by the Development Planning Act (1992), in order to encourage the integrated planning of the undeveloped land within the area
known as “Il-Ghirghien”, in Birzebbugia. The recommended development direction in this document is the provision of a mix of residential, social, community facilities, open spaces and recreational facilities.

This Brief is generally based on provisions contained in a number of policies in the approved Marsaxlokk Bay Local Plan, in particular, Policy MB 18. Whilst encouraging a degree of mixed development, the Brief also takes into account the provision of public/community-related facilities in this area.
The various new open spaces/ green areas (dedicated for a range of so-called ‘active’ and ‘passive’ recreational uses), including sports and community facilities, recommended in this Brief, are to remain accessible to the public in order to strengthen community identity and perhaps contribute to enhancing Birzebbugia’s role as a node for recreational activities in the South of Malta.

The protection of historico-cultural features on the area as well as the creation of recreational walkways are also envisaged by this Brief. Traffic management is also seen as an important component of this Brief in view of the recommended contextual setup outlined
above. To this effect, a re-definition of the current street classification system in the area (where appropriate) and a series of junction improvements, are required. In particular, these measures entail the downgrading of Triq il-Port Hieles as well as improvements on a number of junctions affecting the area.

2. Documents