Consultation Details

Billboards and advertisements regulations

Consultation table data
Published 23-03-2017
Closing date 24-04-2017

1. Background


The display of outdoor advertisements is a common feature of modern commercial activity.  Outdoor advertising can take many forms including billboards, signs, posters and placards.  All these forms of advertising demand attention and seek to stand out from their surroundings.  A balance needs to be struck between the advertisers’ commercial interest to publicize their products and activities and legitimate concerns to protect the environment and to seek to blend such new development into its surroundings.

1.2    All outdoor advertisements affect the appearance of the building, structure or place where they are displayed.  They are designed to communicate information or a message to passers-by and modern advertisements often seek to attract attention and to catch the eye with the use of bright colours and materials, large dimensions and illumination.  Frequently they are sited in highly visible, prominent locations and busy roads.  These features may create a visual conflict with the environment in which advertisements are displayed, particularly in urban environments of architectural or historic importance, residential areas and the open countryside.

1.3    Advertisements can add colour and vitality to an uninteresting scene, or screen an unsightly view.  In general, however, they can only enhance a street scene or the environment in which they are situated if they are sympathetically designed and do not dominate their surroundings.  Particular difficulties arise when advertisements are sited on or close to buildings.  The appearance of a building can be spoiled by the choice of advertisement materials, colour, proportion, illumination that is alien to the building’s design or fabric, inappropriate design of supporting structure or unsightly ancillary cabling, so that the advertisement appears brash, over-dominant or incongruous.  Poorly sited advertisements may have an adverse impact on road safety by distracting drivers, interrupting visibility or giving confusing messages.

1.4    This document includes parameters and criteria for assessing such development permit applications, to ensure that outdoor advertising is of a high design standard that will not have a visual impact or affect road safety conditions.

2. Documents


Draft LN Billboards -ENG

Draft LN Billboards -MLT


1.       SPB Bypass

2.       Salina Coast Road

3.       St. Andrews Road

4.       Regional Road

5.       Msida

6.       Pieta

7.       Tal-Barrani

8.       13th December

9.       Garibaldi

10.   Council of Europe

11.   Birkirkara Bypass

12.   Gozo

13.   Mellieha

14.   Pwales

15.   Burmarrad

16.   T'Alla w Ommu

17.   Mosta

18.   Gharghur/San Gwann

19.   San Giljan

20.  Gzira

21.   Hamrun/ St Venera

22.   Ta Buqana

23.   Attard

24.   Mriehel

25.   Marsa

26.  Qormi

27.   Fgura

28.   Luqa

29.   Marsaxlokk/ Birzebbuga

30.   Zabbar/ Marsascala


3. Submission of Input


The Planning Authority invites the public to submit representations on the proposed legal notice on billboards. Any such submissions are to be sent by email address:

Submissions must be sent to the Authority by Monday 10th April 2017

Thank you for your input.